Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.
- Judy Garland
Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.
- Judy Garland
Breast implants can enhance your breast size. However, only an artistic eye and respect for your natural body measurements can achieve a harmoniously proportionate result.
ou find that the size of your breasts contributes greatly to your overall body profile, which is why you're unhappy about how you look. You find that your breasts aren't as large as you'd like them to be. This has negatively affected how you view yourself.
You're tired of wearing heavily padded bras to fill out your clothes and want to do something about it. Breast augmentation gives you the ability to achieve a more proportionate body contour. The procedure, also known as breast enhancement and augmentation mammoplasty, increases the size of your breasts with implants.
As a woman, I develop a kinship with my patients because I can understand where they're coming from. I understand what they want to achieve from surgery. After all, how men perceive women and how women perceive themselves is different. For example, a man may prefer the obviously enhanced look, breasts that are characterized by being overly round, high and protruding.
Watch this breast enlargement surgery Youtube and breast enlargement video.
My patients have repeatedly expressed that they want breast augmentation results that look natural, and as a woman, I know what this means. When it comes to breast augmentation, "natural" means that your results make not just your breasts look better, but also you, as a whole.
During the pre-surgery planning phase, I'll measure your breast and chest wall dimensions as well as look at your body profile to see the width of your hips, waist, thighs, and projection of your buttocks to better determine a breast implant shape and breast implant size that will give you the most complementary results. That way, you'll get the best breast implant size for your body and your breasts won't look too big or too small; they'll look just right from your point of view.
global$galleries_array;I believe that your breast augmentation should achieve results that you'll be happy with for a long time, or better yet, a lifetime! For this reason, I've refined my surgical techniques to make your experience safer. My techniques minimize any long term complications that are associated with implants. Proper implant selection is imperative.
What is the right breast size for my body? You may want large breast implants, but consider the long term effects. First is sagging. The skin naturally thins with the aging process. Larger implants accelerate this which leads to a faster rate of sagging. I've seen many patients who had to undergo a breast lift after breast augmentation or implant replacement to a smaller size just a few years after their initial surgery because of sagging breast implants. Getting smaller breast implants is one of the most common reasons that patients undergo a second breast augmentation surgery, also known as a breast reaugmentation or breast revision surgery. So, why not just get it right the first time?
Second is the incidence of stretchmarks (Striae Distensae). While smoking and a younger age are also factors that contribute to the development of stretchmarks, a larger implant size is also a primary risk factor, according to a 2014 study.
Choosing breast implants, different sizes: size asymmetry can be corrected by simply choosing two different implant breast sizes.
Breast implants in Toronto are available in a range of profiles. Profile refers to how tall an implant is, based on the width of its base. It is also known as projection. Your implant should be suitable for your body. One that is too wide can increase your risk of nerve damage and pain.
Breast implants round vs teardrop: breast implants come in a round or teardrop shape. Round implants tend to be more common. However the right one for you will be selected based on your unique body measurements.
General anesthesia is administered.
These are some specific details that can contribute to how long the breast implant process will take. These details are based on your breast enhancement options:
Breast enlargement video
Generally speaking, however, the surgery follows these steps: the breast implant incision sites are marked and the breast augmentation incisions are made. Then, the breast implants are placed into an implant pocket. Any incisions made in the breast tissue are closed with layered stitches. Then, the incisions on the skin are closed with stitches, surgical tape or skin adhesive before dressing the treated area with bandages. A surgical bra over the bandages is also placed.
I don't believe that breast augmentation is for younger women who want an improvement short-term. The procedure should achieve results that last as long as possible, or even a lifetime.
– Dr. Leila Kasrai
Breast augmentation Youtube video
Once the effects of the anesthesia have subsided, you are released into the care of someone you've authorized to help you. You'll also need someone to stay with you the first night following the procedure.
You should arrange to take about one week off from work or your usual routine.
The most intense period of recovery occurs in the initial three to five days following your breast augment surgery. During this initial recovery period, you should get plenty of rest. Make sure to abstain from any rigorous activity, including heavy lifting or making sudden, jerking movements with your arms. But make sure you don't just lie in bed all day, either. Walk around the house periodically to help decrease the risk of developing blood clots.
You may notice some bruising, swelling, tenderness and numbness. You may also feel some pain. Your entire breast may be affected, or just the nipple and areola area. These are common symptoms that should diminish over time. You can take oral pain medication as directed to relieve any post-operative discomfort. Some tingling may also felt, which is caused by nerve regeneration. This tingling sensation feels somewhat the same as when your foot falls asleep.
You can resume your normal activities, including your exercise routine, gradually. I will let you know when it is okay to do so because it depends on your rate of healing. Most of my breast augmentation patients return to exercise usually in a month or two after their surgery. Make sure to wear your surgical bra as advised. It is extremely important that you wear a good supportive bra to provide the support your breasts need as you heal. You don't need a special breast enlargement bra for this — a good quality sports bra for breast augmentation with a front closure will do.
Once you've fully recovered, then you can start wearing bras for women with breast implants. Breast implants bra are available, although you don't need such bras if you simply get properly fitted.
Note that the required incisions will result in a breast augmentation scar. However, as an experienced breast surgeon, I take meticulous care to position the incisions in areas of your body that help to conceal any scars. Furthermore, with proper care (no sun exposure or underwire bras right after surgery, especially if you've had inframammary breast augmentation!), scars will fade from their initial pink color to the color of your skin. With proper healing, your scars will be almost invisible to other people.
You'll have more voluptuous yet natural-looking breasts — without padded bras! It can be quite amazing to see how much more confidence my patients have after their surgery. You may feel like you no longer have a boyish body, and love your new found femininity with your breast surgery results.
This breast operation procedure, also known as augmentation mammaplasty, augmentation mammoplasty, breast enhancement and breast enlargement Toronto, is for patients who want to have larger breasts. Real looking breast implants are used to give you a larger cup size. A minor lift may also be achieved for patients with mild to moderate ptosis (sagging). Volume is added with a breast implant prosthesis. What are breast implants? These are essentially prostheses that are constructed from a silicone shell that is filled with saline or cohesive silicone gel. You can see before and after breast enhancement photos here.
If you have flat sagging breasts, a breast augmentation and lift can be performed. Breast lift vs breast augmentation: a breast lift makes the breasts perkier, while breast augmentation simply makes them bigger.
Like other cosmetic surgical procedures, you should be in good health and have realistic expectations before considering breast enhancement Toronto. If you think that the procedure will help address your concerns, book your consultation with a plastic surgeon breast augmentation dr.
Your body needs some time to revert back to how you were before getting pregnant. If you've just had a baby or are breastfeeding, you should wait at least six months after either situation before considering surgery. Your breast augmentation surgeon Toronto will let you know if you're a suitable candidate. Needless to say, you won't be able to get breast augmentation while pregnant either.
On this similar topic, many patients ask, "Can I breastfeed after breast implants?", "Can a woman with breast implants still breastfeed?", "Can you still breastfeed after a breast augmentation?" Research has shown that it is possible to breastfeed with breast implants. However, it is important to discuss your intentions to do so during your pre-surgery consultation so your surgeon can choose the best breast augmentation incision. The breast augmentation periareolar incision placement (periareolar breast augmentation, breast implants through areola) may interfere with the ability to breastfeed, so the inframammary fold incision, also known as the breast fold incision, may be more suitable.
Figuring out whether to get silicone or saline breast implants is an important decision to make. Both implant types can create a beautiful result.
Breast implants silicone vs saline:
Pros for saline breast implants Toronto:
Pros for silicone breast implants Toronto:
How to pick the right size breast implants: A sizing session can be done to help you figure out what implant size would be best for you. This involves trying on different breast implant sizers. Breast sizers for augmentation are just samples of real breast implants that you can place inside your bra. This helps you get a general idea of what range would be right for you. I'll also help by suggesting a range of best size breast implants for you as well, taking into account your body measurements and expressed goals.
There is no single best female breast size — you have to determine what you want.
There is breast implant size simulator technology available, however I have found it to be extremely unreliable and ineffective. This is because I believe that a patient should not only be able to see how they may look, but also feel in real life. That's why sizers for breast implants are more effective tools.
You can also try getting a general idea of what size you'd like with the breast implant rice test. How to do the rice test for breast implants? Simply pour a specific amount of dry rice into two plastic baggies, seal the bag, then place each into your bra. Consider them to be "rice sizers". The rice test for breast implants is an easy way to see what size would look good on your body.
Remember to record the weight of each rice plastic baggy rather than rely on the cup size of your bra. Measuring cup size can be unreliable because they aren't manufactured according to a universal standard. A bra from one manufacturer may be different in actual size from another. Therefore, when asking the question, "What cup size is 350cc," you may get different answers.
You may want to know how to naturally increase breast size. Unfortunately, there is no FDA or Health Canada approved method of increasing breast size without surgery. Although there may be many products on the market that claim to do this, in the form of pills, creams and devices, none have been scientifically proven or approved by either governing medical body to actually achieve augmentation of breast tissue. How to increase breast size naturally? The most effective non-surgical method of enhancing breast size is to simply stuff your bra! That's the easiest breast enlargement without surgery technique.
Breast augmentation no implants and breast enhancement without implants: There is a procedure that involves transferring fat from one part of your body to the breasts, known as fat graft breast augmentation Toronto. Body fat breast augmentation would be considered breast enhancement without implants. However, I do not perform this technique due to the high risk of associated complications.
It is common for other procedures to be performed at the same time as breast augmentation. For example, a tummy tuck and breast lift may be done simultaneously as part of a mommy makeover. A breast lift augmentation is commonly performed on women who've had children. Breast lift and augmentation before and after photos can be viewed in our photo gallery. As your breast augmentation doctor, I'll assess your health and determine whether this can be done safely for you.
After your augment breast surgery, discomfort and pain may be experienced. However, my patients are usually able to cope with these side effects well. Pain medication can be prescribed to help you. It can take a few weeks for all discomfort to disappear. To help with your breast implant surgery recovery time and minimize discomfort, please follow the care instructions I'll give you before and after your surgery. Doing so will make your breast enhancement recovery easier and allow your breast enlargement results to appear faster.
Regardless of whether you've had a minor breast augmentation or big breast enlargement, you can start doing lower body exercises a couple weeks after your surgery. Please refrain from upper body exercises, like push ups and bicep curls, for at least a month or two. I'll let you know when you can start working out again when you meet with me for a post-op appointment. Exercising too soon after surgery can increase your risk of developing serious complications, like seromas and capsular contracture. For the best breast augmentation Toronto results, make sure to follow all of your post-op instructions. Once you've fully recovered, there are no limitations on physical activity. Feel free to even go skydiving with breast implants! But always remember to wear a supportive bra while exercising. You don't need special bras for breast implants; a good sports bra will do.
Some women, particularly those who strength train regularly, express concern about how submuscular breast implant placement during augmentation breast surgery affects their strength. Some doctors believe that muscle development can be adversely affected, however I haven't found this to be true in my breast agmentation patients. You should be able to still maintain and improve your strength regardless of implant position. It is extremely important, though, that you wait to start exercising again until you're healed from surgery.
Normally, breast implants look real. However, if you are a fitness model or bodybuilder who is concerned about your appearance, you should know that flexing can sometimes distort the breast implant, making it look unnatural. For this reason, subglandular placement may be better for you if you're planning to get a breast augmetnation Toronto.
The cost ranges from $10,000 to $11,000. This includes all fees, including anesthesia, surgical facility, breast augmentation plastic surgeon fees, pre- and post-operative appointments as well as a supportive breast implant bra to wear during recovery. Silicone vs saline cost: the price of the actual breast implants Toronto can affect the price: the lower end is for saline implants, while the higher end is for cohesive silicone gel.
Breasts and cleavage is a common concern for patients seeking breast augmentation in Toronto. The amount of breast augmentation cleavage you'll have after your surgery is dependent on how much you have before surgery. You can definitely improve it with Toronto breast implants, but if your natural breasts are far apart, then expect your breasts far apart after augmentation as well. This is because the implants must be centered pretty much right behind the nipples for the best result. If they're placed too close together, then your breasts will point too outward, and if they're placed too close together, the risk of developing symmastia ("uniboob") increases. That means you may have no cleavage after breast augmentation if you didn't have any to begin with. Keep that in mind when considering breast augmentation for wide set breasts. Fortunately, if you have breasts that are naturally close together, then you'll continue to have prominent cleavage after your surgery.
Unfortunately, most insurance providers do not cover cosmetic breast implants Toronto for breast asymmetry correction because it is considered a purely cosmetic treatment.
Mammograms are recommend on a routine basis for all women, including those who've had breast augmentation. A routine mammogram with breast implants can be conducted. Simply inform your technologist that you have implants so they can adjust the testing to accommodate their presence. Don't worry about an implant rupture during mammogram testing, even if you have 800cc implants — the risk of that occurring is extremely low. Mammograms for breast implants are conducted in a way to minimize damage to both the implants and your own natural breast tissue.
Recent research has discovered that there may be a possible association between textured breast implants and Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (ALCL). Known as Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), this is a type of rare T-cell lymphoma that affects the immune system. It is important to note that BIA-ALCL is not considered a risk in patients with smooth implants. For ALCL breast implant treatment, breast implant removal may be necessary. Read more about BIA-ALCL here.
Breast implants come in a several sizes, measured in cubic centimetres (cc). On the breast size table for implant manufacturers, the smallest breast implant size commercially available is about 100cc and the largest breast implant Toronto is 800cc. If a particular size isn't available for you, you can have it custom ordered. The most popular breast implant size ranges from 250cc to 350cc, with 350cc breast implants being common. Breast augmentation sizers are available to help you figure out the best implants for you. What size breast implants should you get? I'll help you with the selection process by considering your unique body measurements and goals.
When the procedure is performed correctly, your implants will feel just like the real thing. It is always my goal to achieve natural looking breast implants for my patients.
There are several possible reasons why pain may be felt after surgery. If you feel unusual pain, it's best to have it checked out by your surgeon.
Tuberous breast deformity is a condition characterized by a constriction of tissue around the areola, leading to a tubular appearance. There may also be an undefined breast fold and areola/nipple puffiness. It is not a health risk, but affected women may find its appearance undesirable. Breast augmentation can be performed on women with tuberous breast deformity, but the surgery may require more steps to release the constricted tissue, modify the size/shape of the nipple and possibly lift the breast.
Dr.Kasrai does not use Biocell textured breast implants.
Although surgical complications are generally uncommon, there are certain risks associated with any surgery. I take every precaution to minimize any breast implant risks Toronto.
Capsular contracture is a complication where excessive scar tissue develops around the breast implant, to the point where the implant can become so compressed that the breast appears deformed. Does capsular contracture always get worse? The answer is no — mild capsular contracture doesn't always get worse. However, it is important that if you do notice any change in appearance or sensation of your breasts after breast augmentation, you inform your surgeon. A tightening and hardening of the affected breast is what capsular contracture feels like.
Be sure to follow all of the instructions I give you, both before and after surgery. This will help further minimize the risks associated with your breast enhancement and reduce the chances of a revision breast surgery and breast implant replacement surgery.