What day is it?
– Alice Walker
It's today, squeaked Piglet.
My favorite day, said Pooh.
What day is it?
– Alice Walker
It's today, squeaked Piglet.
My favorite day, said Pooh.
Excess tissue covering the clitoris can be troublesome for women. The solution is a treatment performed by Dr. Leila Kasrai. Dr. Kasrai is one of the few female board certified plastic surgeons in the city.
our clitoris is covered up by a hood of tissue technically known as the prepuce. The clitoral hood serves to protect the clitoris from being constantly rubbed. Constant friction could lead to over-stimulation, desensitization and even pain. It also helps to keep the area moist and completes the appearance of normal female genitalia.
The clitoral hood serves an important function. However, sometimes it can be too large or lengthy, or not retract during intimacy. This may be caused by genetics, trauma or childbirth. Some women believe that masturbation techniques may be a cause as well, but it should be noted that it isn't.
You've found that your prepuce is causing problems relating to your appearance and comfort. Its length and how it protrudes from your body can make you look like you have a penis. You dislike the overall appearance of your vulva so much that you feel embarrassed to show it or have sexual relations. You also find that you experience severe discomfort, because it's constantly rubbed and irritated.
A clitoral hood reduction is a procedure that reduces the length and size of your clitoral hood. It is described in the journal, Seminars in Plastic Surgery. The procedure decreases the amount your clitoral hood protrudes to make it less prominent. While many of my patients have this done at the same time as their labiaplasty (labia reduction), can also be performed on its own.
My goal as a plastic surgeon is to improve your appearance without adversely affecting the function of the area treated. For this reason, I'll only reduce your prepuce to the point where it appears less prominent. It should also be more proportionate with the rest of your labia and vulva contours. You'll still have sufficient tissue to cover your clitoris properly. I will never over-correct or remove the clitoral hood entirely because of the high rate of complications that could result.
Some patients prefer to have no males present during their surgery. For this reason, I offer you the option of having an all-female medical team so no man will ever see you.
I apply a refined surgical technique that causes no injury to the nerves in the area. This prevents you from developing any unfavourable changes to sensation, so you can still feel in the same way before your surgery (after the initial numbness caused by swelling subsides).
Because I'm a woman, too, I have a better understanding of the female anatomy. I understand the unique expectations expressed by my patients. Like my patients, I find it extremely important to achieve results that look natural. This means that I'll also reduce the risk of distorted tissues and visible scarring. I do this by applying specialized suturing techniques that prevent bunching and ridging of your delicate tissues. Doing so maintains the natural, seamless contours of your genital area for a beautiful improvement.
You won't be embarrassed to expose yourself during intimate acts. You may even find that your surgery increases sensitivity in the area for enhanced sexual fulfillment.
My patients frequently tell me that the reason they had a clitoral hood reduction was to improve their physical comfort, and an added bonus was a better appearance.
– Dr. Leila Kasrai
Surgery usually takes about one hour. Local anesthesia is usually sufficient. This means you won't have to experience any of the side effects that are caused by general anesthesia, such as nausea and vomiting.
A horizontal incision is made in the clitoral hood. Through this incision, the projection of the prepuce is reduced and excess tissue is removed. The incision is then closed with dissolvable sutures and dressed.
After your clitoral hood reduction, you may experience some mild swelling and bruising. You may also experience some discomfort. To help with healing, take two to three days off from your daily routine. During that time, make sure to get plenty of rest and avoid straining yourself physically or emotionally. You can use ice packs if the swelling is troubling. Because I usually perform clitoral hood reduction on Thursdays, you'll probably only require two days off from work or school. Most patients are ready to go back to work or school on the following Monday.
Practice good hygiene habits. Cleanse the area with soap and water, something that you can do about 24 hours after your surgery. Please wear a sanitary napkin for the first week.
You should avoid any rigorous contact to the area for approximately one month. This includes sexual activity and horseback riding.
At first you may be a little numb but as the swelling subsides, sensation will return.
Without the protrusion of tissue covering your clitoris, you won't feel irritation when wearing form fitting clothes or performing certain activities. You'll have a more feminine appearance, and possibly also enjoy more sexual sensation.
Clitoral hood reduction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that reduces the amount of tissue covering the clitoris (technically known as the prepuce). This tissue is part of the labia minora.
The procedure has been safely performed on women of all ages, from teens to women in their 60s and beyond. As long as you're healthy, understand the related risks and can make an informed decision on the treatment, you may be a candidate. You should also be considering the procedure for your own reasons, not someone else's.
It is possible to have this procedure performed at the same time as other body contouring procedures, such as breast augmentation or a mommy makeover for a more dramatic makeover.
I practice unique hidden suturing techniques which keep your scars hidden and practically invisible. This area heals very well as well, so you won't have to worry about visible scarring.
This depends on your recovery rate. Sometimes, it can be as little as two weeks. Other times, it may take a month or two. To help with your recovery, you should follow my post-care instructions for faster healing.
You can see an improvement immediately, however you'll need to wait for swelling to subside and the tissues to recover from surgery before seeing your results. This usually take a few weeks. If you have labiaplasty performed as well to recontour the rest of your labia, you might take a little longer in your recovery because your surgery will be more extensive.
It is common to dislike how you look right after your surgery. This is because swelling and bruising can make your appearance odd. Many patients are concerned about this. However, as the weeks pass, you'll notice the results of your surgery appear. By the end of the month, you'll probably be very pleased with how you look. However, in the rare event you dislike your results, let me know. I strive to obtain highly satisfying results for all of my patients. If you're not satisfied with the results of a procedure I performed, a revision can be performed.
Removing the clitoral hood entirely can increase your risk of permanent irritation, inflammation and being in a constant state of arousal. Clitoral unhooding can be quite painful. For your safety, some amount of tissue covering your clitoris should remain intact. It's important for your natural genital function. That's why I do not perform total hoodectomy.
Every type of surgery carries inherent risks. However, the risks associated with labiaplasty are rare. To minimize the risk of surgical complications further, be sure to follow all of my pre- and post-surgical instructions carefully. Some risks include:
There is a higher risk in patients who are smokers, are diabetic or have poor circulation.
Please note that your results may be affected by subsequent pregnancy and childbirth.